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Slappers & Grabbers all follow the same notecard rules!


Annoyed by having to add more than 1 clickie and using up all those precocious attachment points?    This product will save you at least one additional point.


Below is information about the slapper, and will hopefully answer any questions you might have.




I made this slapper fully notecard based for a couple reasons.   Mostly because it has so many options, and if I update the script, you wont be required to redo all your settings, they will just be there!    




  • Gender determines what is going to be written in local for the default messages.  

  • This will be overridden if there is custom text.


Block List


  • Block list is a setting available in order to take away privileges to slap/grab you from anyone that you put into the list.

  • A blank block list will allow everyone to touch your slapper/grabber

  • In order to block someone simply put their legacy name after the equal sign.  To add multiple people to the list separate their names with comma (ie. person1 name,person2 name).  Please do not put a space after the comma.

  • What name to use?  Use their legacy name, if their legacy name contains a dot (ie. remove the period and make it a space (ie. name name)


Example Block LIst:      


Person1:  firstname resident

Second Person: firstname.lastname


Block List=firstname resident,firstname lastname <--- Notice legacy name with a dot is now firstname (space) lastname instead, those without a last name will need to be replaced with "resident"


Grab List


  • Grab list works like a white list.  

  • A blank grab list will allow everyone to touch your junk

  • Once you put a name into the list, the grabber is blocked from everyone except the person/people that are in the list

  • What name to use?  Use their legacy name, if their legacy name contains a dot (ie. remove the period and make it a space (ie. name name)


Please use the same logic as the block list for entering names


Sounds and Animations

(Note: The Unisex Slapper/Grabber includes only Slap Left & Right Animations and 1 Slap Sound.   We have not included a grab animation or sound)


  • Sounds and animations bring your slapper/grabber to life!

  • To add sounds and animations, rezz your slapper on the ground.  To see the invisible item hit, ctrl + alt + T.  Do the same to go back to normal once you're done.  When you take the slapper back into your inventory it will be the top most copy.   

  • You can have as many sounds/animations as you want, and they are separated by left butt, right butt, grabber and no access

  • Sounds should be exactly as they are named case sensitive.  If your sound or animation has capitol letters, it needs those capitols to prevent errors.




  • There are a couple different types of announcements, both public, private, and instant message if a person is blocked from touching you.

  • Simply write Yes or No after the equal sign to turn it on or off


Custom Text


  • Customer text will override the default text of the slapper.   This allows you to have whatever you want to print in chat so everyone can see.

  • $ will put your name into the chat message

  • % wil put the touchers name into the chat message


Example: % spanked $'s fine little ass = Toucher Name spanked Your Name's fine little ass




  • Volume can be set between 1 and 10, 10 being loudest


Project Arousal Integration 


Ever heard of Project Arousal?   I didn't in however many years I have been in SL, but let me tell you, if you wanna have fun, or be a little dirty, this HUD is some great fun and their are tons of addons to make it even more fun!   


I have integrated the slapper/grabber to work with this product.   If you have the project arousal system and you have it turned it on in the configuration file the slapper will increase your arousal by whatever value you have put into it.   The slapper will also add a message to the announcements letting people know that you are getting aroused.


To turn on PA please use settings like below.  Remember the lower the value, the longer it will take for you to get aroused.


Project Arousal=Yes
Arousal Change Notice=Yes/No (Yes will put the announcements into local chat)
Slap Arousal Value=20
Grab Arousal Value=50



Note: While the clickie is configuring you will see messages in local text if something is missing.  This is not an error, this is just advising that you have not configured them in the notecard.   





Updates will be sent as a HUD.  All you need to do is click it and it will update your slapper as long as you are wearing it, or it is rezzed on the ground.   If the update requires a notecard config update, We will send everything in a box for you :) 



Why didn't I add a layer that makes your butt red?   Well there's a couple reasons....  I hated it first of all, friends complained about it, it broke over cloths and looked terrible.....there wasn't one for my avatar (Legacy), and BOM layers are available to use to make the same affect so I felt there was no need.



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